Den kommer. Du ved, den kommer. Kampen i The Octagon, hvor Conor McGregor skal have revanche for den bokselektion han fik af Floyd Mayweather sidste år. Tilbage i februar udmeldte Floyd Mayweather jo på Twitter, at han var klar på en rematch med en video med følgende ordveksling:

“2018 Floyd ‘Money' Mayweather, MMA. What are the odds, Paddy? What are the odds?”

Nu skruer han så endnu mere op for hypen. Til udtaler Floyd Mayweather nemlig, at han er i gang med at ansøge om en UFC-licens, og han sætter endda en tidsramme på for sin entré i The Octagon. Sådan her sagde han:

“Everything takes time. Eventually, we’re gonna apply for the license, and hopefully we can fight. Even if it takes 6 to 8 months – whatever it takes. We want to make sure that everything is done correctly, and everything is done the right way.”


Floyd Mayweather ansøger om UFC-licens - The Octagon kampen mod Conor McGregor nærmer sig

 Og det er ikke bare utopi. Dana White, bossen i UFC, siger sådan om en eventuel kamp
“We’re talking to Floyd about doing a UFC deal. It’s real. He was talking about Conor McGregor. Was that real? Have you heard Floyd talk about many things that aren’t real? He usually tips his hand when he’s in the media, and then that shit ends up happening. We’re interested in doing something with Floyd. Everything is a realistic possibility. Mayweather vs. McGregor fucking happened.”
 Så du kan altså godt begynde at gøre dig klar til en rematch. Men denne gang er Conor McGregor kæmpe favorit.